Legal Services for Dispute Resolution

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Dispute Resolution

Litigation can be a costly and stressful process. We aim to help you lower the cost and stress at every step. Ninety percent of all disputes are settled out of court. There are a number of pre-trial settlement procedures which can be put in place to simplify the process as well, such as mediation. Arbitration is also an option for commercial disputes, and selecting a cost effective arbitration hall is also an important consideration.

For small claims, navigating the process becomes all the more important, as unnecessary expense can cancel out the benefit of any legal action.

When it comes to cross border disputes, things can get even more confusing. Questions such as which law to apply, and how to enforce a foreign judgment arise routinely.

We specialize in making these dispute ridden waters less murky. We provide specialized English language intake and consultation services, and coordinate with registered lawyers to provide effective Legal Advice and Representation.

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